Being a novelist is, of necessity, a lonely occupation, more so than journalism which requires some interaction between the writer and the subject and is based on fact, not fiction (or it is supposed to be). It is true that the novelist needs to do a certain amount of research in order to get the background right and may need to visit the place in which the novel is set. Being a writer of historical fiction, I do not find visits especially helpful. Very few places look as they did a couple of hundred years ago, or even seventy. I find pictures and old maps more useful. The result is that more and more of my research is being done through books and on-line, with the consequence I write in isolation. Of course I see friends and family, but only another writer can know what the other goes through in the process of producing a book. It is common among us all.
The consequence of this is that when writers get together, they talk. And talk. And because everyone is talking at once, the decibels rise and then we have to shout to be heard, until the noise is loud enough to hurt the eardrums. The meetings of the Romantic Novelists' Association are typical of that. Besides meetings, parties and conference for the whole Association, there are smaller chapter meetings where the members in an area have their own get-togethers. The one centred on Cambridge is always well-attended. The members' writing talents cover a broad sweep of the genre: novellas, Mills and Boon romance, family sagas, gay romance, fantasy and magazine serials. Some are multi-published, some just beginning with their first book, others still waiting for the big break through. All are committed. Advice if frequently asked and willingly given, experiences are shared and naturally books and films discussed.
But one thing you can be sure of, the conversation is not muted.
Our last meeting was our annual Christmas luncheon, held in our favourite pub, which involved a festive menu, crackers, the giving of cards and a secret Santa. Being somewhat deaf I missed a lot of the bon homie, but it led me to wonder what would be the collective noun for a group of Romantic Novelists. 'A noise' was suggested, and 'a loving', but favourite was 'a Babel'. Not very flattering really, so what do you think? I'll ask my friends to choose from the answers andI I'll send my latest paperback to the winner. Answer in the comments please.
In my top picture, are left to right: Jan Jones, Kate Johnson, Louise Allen, Jane O'Reilly, Josephine Warrior and Anne Styles. Out of shot but also present were Alex Beecroft, Judith Lennox and Adele Geras. And me operating the camera, not very skilfully I am afraid. And it chose that moment to run out of battery!
Those in the bottom picture are too numerous to mention.